• Superior Woman

    Hi there:

    When I heard the joke below, I knew I wanted to tell it here:  Three men were hiking, when they came across a raging river they absolutely had to cross to get out of the forest.

    One of them prayed, “God, give me the strength to cross this river”. After a lightning flash and a thunderbolt, the man was transformed into a man with superhuman strength who was also the world’s best swimmer. He thanked his Maker and jumped into the current. And after two hours of arduous effort he reached the opposite riverbank.

    A second man prayed, “God, give me the strength and the tools to get across this river”. After a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning, he was changed into a super-strong man and he found a rowboat with oars floating in front of him. He thanked his Creator and got in the boat. After one hour of intense rowing he reached the river’s other side.

    The third man prayed, “Oh God, please give me the strength and tools and intelligence I’ll need to cross this river”. After more thunder and lightning, the third guy was transformed into a woman. She thanked God, took out a map of the area the three hikers had brought with them, and walked across a bridge located five minutes downstream from where they were blocked by the river.

    🙂 🙂

    I hope the answers to My question below will produce lots of laughter. 🙂

    Keeping in mind this site’s purpose(s), guidelines, and policies, do You have a joke or humorous anecdote You/you want to share?

    I adore it when fine folks send Me comments, questions, and suggestions inspired by something I’ve written, said, or done.