by jarod whitestaff


Author's note: This story is dedicated to the indomitable, indecipherable, and indefatigable GODDESS MISTRESS MARQUESA DE SADE. It should not be read by any minor. Nor should it be read by anyone who is ethically, legally, morally, religiously, or personally (for any other reason(s)) prohibited or proscribed from doing so. Neither should it be read by any individual who is, to any degree, fearful of or uncomfortable with the subject of female supremacy or the topic of mind control (in any of its genres) or both.

In the challenging cosmos of competition, a competitor frequently feels compelled to raise said combatant's level of competitiveness when the aforementioned challenger is competing against the reigning champion. It is even so in the erotic world of professional domination. In fictional stories set in the Old West of the United States, irrespective of the tale's medium of communication, a gunfighter often seeks to make his or her reputation by calling out the current fastest gun alive. So it is in the realm of those who earn the upper crust of the daily bread all humans seek to possess by sensually stimulating and subsequently bending others to their wily and willful wills.

She who called Herself "High Arch-Queen of the May" was a decadent Dominatrix. She was so amazingly attractive. She was so absolutely adored by all whom She subjugated. She was so astonishingly, astoundingly, and apodeictically assertory concerning Her unshakably steadfast belief in the proposition that Her skills at successfully spinning strong strands of sensuous sorceries surpassed those possessed by GODDESS MARQUESA DE SADE. The High Arch-Queen compelled one of Her servants to create a website for Her. This site did not declare and extol the High Arch-Queen's magnificence. Its sole 'raison d'etre' was to issue castigating challenges, insidious innuendos, inflammatory invectives, and tedious taunts to MISTRESS MARQUESA. Arachne challenged Athena to a contest of weaving. The High Arch-Queen of the May was certain that this time the mortal woman would defeat the GODDESS.

MISTRESS MARQUESA is an exceptionally busy SUPERIOR WOMAN. This fiendishly frustrating fact is well-known by anyone who has sought to enjoy, or succeeded at spending, any time in HER subtle, salubrious, sagacious, and salacious presence. Satisfying HER industrious nature did not afford HER enough time to do all the things SHE yearned to accomplish.

HER exceptionally busy schedule was only one of the reasons GODDESS DE SADE's policy had always been to refuse to pick up the type of garish, grotesque gauntlet the High Arch-Queen of the May threw down. The magnificent, merciless MISTRESS MARQUESA seeks to eschew puerility or pettiness or any such unmentionable thing in any or all of its theoretically possible or actually extant ghastly guises. In HER opinion, one who deserved to hold the title of Goddess did not besmirch this esteemed appellation by stooping to roll and wrestle in the muddy muck and engage in some vulgar, testosterone-laden, juvenile, fishwife-esque catfight. The High Arch-Queen's website's creation was an indication that MISTRESS DE SADE'S ignoring HER Haughty, headstrong, high-minded Highness of Hugely Heinous Hutzpah and Humongous Hideous Hybris would not result in this wretched and worthless Woman's leaving the GODDESS in peace.

And so, it came to pass that negotiations were initiated and arrangements were at length hammered out for there to take place a contest of capabilities betwixt these two tremendously tantalizing Titanesses within the ranks of the fairer sex. Their showdown occurred during an international gathering and soiree for people who embraced one or more flavors of alternative erotica from amongst all of its multitudinous, bacchanalian varieties. >From a pool of select submissives (none of whom was at present in any wise influenced or controlled or dominated by any dominant individual of any kind) a candidate would be randomly drawn--courtesy of a random number generator computer program picking that subbie's unique, previously assigned ownership certificate number. The Hypnodomme Whose turn it was would attempt to mesmerize the willing subject. If She was able to do so, the other Dominant Female Mesmerist would ply Her powers upon a new, also randomly selected, submissive. If each Hypnotist achieved success in mesmerizing Her respective prey, that round would be scored a draw. If both Superior Women were amenable, a respite would take place at any point in this harmless, little contest. If either Erotic Hypnoteuse failed to mesmerizingly subjugate Her assigned potential property after the expiration of the agreed upon time limit, Her Opponent would have Her opportunity to put forth Her powers of hypnotic persuasiveness. If the latter Contestant succeeded where Her Opponent had failed, the successful Hypnotic Dominatrix would be declared the victor. If both were unsuccessful in their attempts to hypnotize the same subject, this battle would be declared a stalemate. The Hypnodom Who would go first in a round was randomly chosen immediately prior to that round's commencement. Each Superior Woman could employ any trick(s) of Her trade She deemed suitable for the task at hand. Neither Woman was allowed to interfere, in any way, with Her opponent's attempt to captivate the submissive subject upon whom She was focused. No one was permitted to prime the pump, in any manner, with respect to anyone in the tournament's pool of possible slaves.

Charitableness is one of merciless MISTRESS MARQUESA's vivifying virtues. The ability to effortlessly, enticingly, and effectively advertise HER witching wares is an exemplar of HER bountiful business acumen. In the fine details concerning this contest, SHE clearly conveyed both of these seemingly contradictory aspects of HER persistently perplexing, perennially paradoxical, precisely persuasive, pervasively perturbing personality. Many of the major players so far as BDSM, fetish, and erotica websites, newsgroups, and discussion forums were concerned were given advance publicity concerning this no-holds-barred battle royal. Each of the submissives vying for the high honor and profound pleasure of possibly being hypnotically subjugated and mesmerically sublimated by one of these Superior women was required to post a nonrefundable entrance for entrancement fee. Tickets, at various price levels, were sold for those desiring to witness this duel in-person. A high bandwidth, HDTV with Bose stereo CD-quality sound website was constructed to cybercast this subscription-viewing only event. Each Hypnodom was permitted to place an advertisement, of any type--which could include a link to Her personal site, for Her services on this temporary website. DVD's and videotapes were offered for sale to anyone wishing to have a semipermanent memento of this momentous competition. All proceeds from these activities were distributed equally amongst a group of charities selected severally or in concert by the two competitors. All of these good ideas sprang from MISTRESS MARQUESA'S monumental mentality.

GODDESS MISTRESS MARQUESA DE SADE was picked to start off the first round. SHE: looked over the exceptional specimen of monumentally mundane mere male mindlessness; focused HER ensorcelling emerald eyes upon him; subtly, supplely, sumptuously, and suggestively exerted HER full feminine forcefulness via HER multifarious manifestations of traits and characteristics designed to appeal to physical or intellectual or emotional hypnotic suggestibility; and spake the words of his induction. He became HERS to command.

The High Arch-Queen of the May strode toward Her selected subbie. She examined him carefully. She utilized the strength of Her physicality, the power of Her mentality, the forcefulness of Her emotionality, and the powerfulness of Her voice. He swiftly and certainly succumbed to Her Superior Womanly womanliness and womanhood hoodwinking.

During the next two rounds, the High Arch-Queen of the May was the first to compete. During neither of these rounds was a winner determined.

And so this duel of determined and devastating Dommes continued. It did not matter which Woman went first. Though each did Her best to obtain such, neither Superior Woman could gain any degree of any edge at any time in any way. No quarter was asked by either Mesmerizing Mistress. No quarter was given to either of these hallowed, Hypnotic Dominatrixes.

There came another of the oft occasions when MISTRESS MARQUESA DE SADE was the first ATTEMPTRESS OF ENTRANCEMENT. SHE stared at HER quarry. SHE interpreted the meaningful messages in his body language, facial expressions, and eye movements. SHE spoke the words for his induction. He remained unmoved. He was in no wise hypnotized.

None was so shocked by this turn of events as was the supremely surprised High Arch-Queen of the May. True, She had proudly proclaimed Her preeminence over GODDESS MARQUESA. Only in the core of the High Arch-Queen's innermost self would She admit that all such statements were nothing save self-serving, specious sophistry.

What would be the Arch-Queen's next move? Like a horror story's horrible horde of rampaging, rapacious rodents inexorably chewing through the only barrier betwixt themselves and the last homo sapiens on Earth, One thought unstoppably gnawed at Her consciousness. "This man had not succumbed to MISTRESS MARQUESA's sundry powers. He indeed might be too strong for the High Arch-Queen's slue of spells and sorceries." Considering all She had said concerning MISTRESS DE SADE, merely being as good as HER would be a grievous and incurable blow to the High Arch-Queen's self-vaunted prowess and reputation.

Perhaps the High Arch-Queen should request a recess before She undertook Her current and probably formidable challenge? There was no guarantee MISTRESS MARQUESA would accede to the Arch-Queen of the May's desire. Even if the GODDESS agreed, this too could pose a problem to HER Rival. How would the High Arch-Queen's request be interpreted? As an admission of Her waning abilities. As positive proof She, for some reason(s), had become unnerved. As incontrovertible evidence the Queen of the May felt some degree of trepidation regarding Her ability to mesmerize this man. No!!! Whatever the cost and no matter what the outcome might be, the Arch-Queen must show no weakness of any sort. The Queen determined that the winner of this contest would be decided here and now.

The High Arch-Queen of the May took several slow, deep breaths; steeled Her nerves in preparation for facing the taxing task at hand; and marshaled all Her existing powers for the struggle which lay immediately ahead of Her. Never had She brought so much concentration and focus to someone's hypnotic induction. Never before had an attempt to mesmerize anyone stretched Her capabilities to such an extent beyond the believed breaking point as occurred on this day. Never in Her career as a Hypnotic Dominatrix had She been so adept at blocking out extraneous distractions. There were instances during this induction when the Initiator of same was astounded by something She said or did. The man swooned before and succumbed to Her feminine forcefulness.

GODDESS MARQUESA DE SADE was thoroughly graceful and totally gracious after the battle was concluded. SHE shook the High Arch-Queen of the May's hand. A Mona Lisa smile lay upon MISTRESS MARQUESA'S captivating countenance. "Congratulations! To the victor goes the spoiled. Oops, that should be, "To the victor goes the spoils." May all of Your moments with this submissive be far more than interesting times."

Everyone was pleased with the outcome of these proceedings. The spectators, irrespective of whether they watched it in-person or via the WorldWide Web or on some recorded medium, had been witness to a scintillating spectacle the likes of which they had never before seen. Each of the charities made much more money than it had expected. All submissives in the pool, whether they were mesmerized or not, counted themselves fortunate to be real or possible prizes to two such Superior Women. The High Arch-Queen of the May was ecstatic, elated, and exhilarated. MISTRESS MARQUESA had no complaints regarding the outcome.

Some weeks after the definitive and decisive duel with the Arch-Queen of the May, MISTRESS MARQUESA DE SADE was being adoringly and lustfully and worshipfully attended to by one of the submissives who had succumbed to HER HYPNOTIC HIGHNESS during this made-for-charity confrontation. Despite being no more than a menial manifestation of minutely minuscule mere male mindlessness, this slave did his level best to bring what little pleasure he could offer to SHE WHO was deserving of nothing less than precise performance and perennial perfection. During HER interactions with this man--which were intended to properly train him, whether or not they were explicitly designated as training sessions--on certain occasions the look on his face or his body language or both indicated there was something on his mind.

On this day GODDESS DE SADE determined SHE would get to the bottom of this situation and know what was the score concerning this circumstance. "MY slave, you seem to have something on your mundane mere male mind. I command you to tell me what it is?" The look on HER lovely visage showed HER rapt and focused attention. The expression in HER entrancingly ensorcelling emerald eyes was searching and penetrating.

"MISTRESS, i have been contemplating two items. First, the old saying that goes, "Appearances can be deceiving." Second, the concept of a Pyrrhic victory."

"you shall tell ME what you know about a Pyrrhic victory," SHE demanded.

"MISTRESS, the concept of a Pyrrhic victory is derived from King Pyrrhus, who was king of Epirus in Northern Greece. Early in the third century B.C., or as others say, "B.C.E.," he invaded Italy and subsequently defeated the Romans at Heraclea and Asculum. His conquest was so costly that he uttered his famous statement, "One more such victory and I am lost." Therefore, a Pyrrhic victory is one earned at great, and perhaps even ultimately ruinous, cost to the winner."

It amuses MAGNIFICENT, MERCILESS MISTRESS MARQUESA much to mischievously meddle with the mere mindless male mettle of the merrily mesmerized, MISTRESSFULLY manipulated masculine minions SHE permits to persist in HER tantalizing thrall. This man would be no exception. GODDESS MARQUESA DE SADE has long possessed a penchant for thespianism and a flair for being quite theatrical. First, SHE commanded this submissive to lie on his back on HER floor. After taking no action save for simply staring at him for some moments, SHE slowly and serenely and forcefully spoke to him once more. "I know you are nothing but a devious and debauched, little slut slave of a horn doggie boy. I know how much you want, you yearn, and you need to swiftly satisfy the lewdly lascivious lust which languishes in and lords itself over your nasty, little, mutant, mutinous, menial, mundane, merely masculine, mindless mirage masquerading for mentality. I perceive your deepest and darkest desires--you willful worm of a sneaky snake. I am aware that all you wish to do is succumb to your creepy crawly, cringing, craven, carnal cravings and spend all your time with ME simply steadfastly staring at some section or all sectors of MY bewitchingly beautiful body. This is what you shall now do, you will focus all of your disgustingly fleeting attention span in the depthless depths of MY inviting, invincible, inevitable, indomitable, imperial, and imperious emerald eyes. you will neither close your eyelids, nor will you, at any time, ever move your gruesomely greedy gaze away from the ensorcelling centres of MY mysteriously and mystically gorgeous, gargantuan eyes. Any degree of defiance by you or even of disobedience on your part I shall deal with directly, definitely, dramatically, and dangerously!" SHE briefly paused in HER discourse of domineering demands. "Dangerously, only for you that is." Then and only then did the MASTERFULLY MIND-MOLDING, MESMERIZING MISTRESS MARQUESA wantonly, witchingly, and wickedly laugh at he whom SHE conspicuously captivated, compellingly constrained, consummately confiscated, and certainly controlled.

There were three reasons for MARQUESA DE SADE'S mentioning his desire to fasten and feast his optical sensors on HER ladylike loveliness. One of these reasons was solitary. The other two were inextricably intertwined. The singular reason was this, the statement was absolutely accurate. One of the interconnected reasons for HER powerful ploy was this. SHE is well aware that, "Simply sending someone a suggestion sometimes spawns said soul's curiosity. Consistently contemplating curiosity's cause can create desire. A desire deliberated frequently fosters fulfillment." The third reason was exactly like the second, save that the word "denied" was substituted for the word "deliberated." SHE had tenderly, trickishly, and tenaciously tethered this toy into a torturous tautology-inspired trap.

He gave it the old college tryout during his attempt to obey SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED. Nevertheless, his inevitable failure did indeed come to pass. Try as he did with all of his mental might, more than once did his eyes stray to GODDESS MARQUESA'S beguilingly bountiful, beautifully bodacious, buxomly bedeviling bosoms. His pathetically pitiful, poor, and pitiable excuse for a mind had never moved not so much as a micromillimeter from them.

SHE disgustedly flared HER nostrils, frowned disapprovingly, and accusingly pointed HER fingers at his wandering eyes. "So! you salacious, self-centered, sneaky, sniveling, slimy slut and shameless slave to your deviant, despicable, disgusting desires for ME, MY SENSUOUS SELF, AND MY beatific, bewitching body of carnal knowledge--you have wantonly, willfully, and wickedly disobeyed MISTRESS MARQUESA DE SADE. How dare you move your wretched reptilian eyes and let them lustfully linger upon MY magical, magnificent, mesmerizing, mind-melting, mind-molding mammaries without MY permission!" Several times did SHE sternly stamp one of HER feet. The next thing SHE did was silently stare at him for some time. He seemed to see the thoughts passing behind the unfathomable, fathomless fathoms of HER haunting, hypnotic, huntress's eyes. "you will surely and certainly suffer unimaginably and interminably for your deliberate, disreputable, despicable disobedience."

The look he gave HER was pleading. "MISTRESS MARQUESA, i beg YOU to please forgive me. i couldn't help myself. YOU are so beautiful. i just couldn't stop myself from sneaking a peek at YOU."

"So, you simpering, simpleminded simpleton of a selfish, self-serving, self-centered, swindling swine, are you saying MY irresistible, intoxicating, fascinating femininity compellingly constrained you to do what I told you not to do?"

"Yes, MIS." The words had leapt from his lips before he had considered their ramification.

MISTRESS DE SADE bared HER pristinely white teeth at him. "So, your disgusting disobedience is all! MY! fault?!!!"

He quickly realized he was inescapably enmeshed in a quagmire of a quandary. If he answered "Yes," then he would be blaming HER for his recent transgression. If his answer was "No," he was acknowledging his failure to obey HER command was intentional. Perhaps a prisoner facing eminent execution and exhausting that convict's final appeal might present a more pleading expression than the one this outflanked fellow and outfoxed submissive did offer to GODDESS MARQUESA. "i ... i ... i don't know what to say."

"Very well. We shall move on to another subject." MISTRESS MARQUESA alluringly lowered HER eyelids and slid into deep contemplation. The mentally masticated man was overjoyed for the reprieve. Little did he know, or even suspect, the sagacious subtlety of the cunningly concocted, sinister scheme SHE so soon sought to slyly spring upon him. "The story you told ME of King Pyrrhus defeating the Romans has upset ME. I possess a powerful affinity with Italy and all things Italian. Do you think it was right for you to relate such a tale to SOMEONE NAMED MARQUESA?"

"MISTRESS, YOU told me to tell YOU what i knew about the term "Pyrrhic victory." i only did as YOU commanded me."

"So, you are saying that I made you tell ME that distressing tale? I suppose therefore the disquiet I feel is really MY OWN doing?" SHE gave him an enigmatic expression.

There are certain questions asked by women to men for which there is no such thing as a right answer. Among these are: "How do I look in this (insert item of apparel here?)" or "Which of my female friends would you date if you could?" Any man presumptuous enough or so foolish or both as to offer an answer to such a query, has learned, much to his everlasting regret, that he should have invoked the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution and kept his mouth shut. The mercilessly mind-bending MISTRESS MARQUESA had revealed HERSELF to be an EXPERT in luring hapless males into such scenarios in which such questions could be posed. SHE had long embraced HER masterful mastery of the concept of emotional and mental jujitsu. The trapped and terrified submissive thought he might have been better off if he had earlier answered one of his TORTUROUS TORTURER's insidiously imprisoning inquiries and been over and done with this torment tryingly tempestuous to his temperament and timelessly tumultuous to his thoughts. Once more had he been cornered and captured. He was fairly certain that no answer he could give HER could possibly save him.

"MISTRESS, i." The look on his countenance spake veritable vaults full of voluminous volumes.

When SHE elects to be such, MERCILESS MISTRESS MARQUESA may be massively merciful. SHE decided SHE would let HER perniciously perplexed puppet off the hook--as a prelude to reeling him into HER clever clutches. "What do a Pyrrhic victory and the adage about appearances being deceiving have to do with ME?"

"MISTRESS, i felt the strength of YOUR mesmeric powers during YOUR contest with the Queen of the May. i have witnessed the affect YOU have wrought upon people other than me. It is difficult for me to believe there exists a heterosexual man who can resist the full powers of YOUR hypnotic prowess."

SHE WHO SHOULD CERTAINLY BE OBEYED sneered at HER supine, stupefied subject. "Are you saying I threw in the towel in that contest, or worse that I took a dive?"

"MISTRESS, all i am saying is i suspect that during the contest YOU interacted with each of the submissives selected for YOU to mesmerize in such a way as was most beneficial to YOU. In YOUR concession speech YOU alluded to the allegedly Chinese proverb quoted by Robert F. Kennedy in a speech given in Cape Town, South Africa, "May you live in interesting times." i also sense that YOU made no slips of the tongue in said speech. When YOU said, "To the victor goes the spoiled," my feeling is that is precisely what YOU meant to say."

"Well, well! Master Yoda," SHE spake so sarcastically. "I bow to the greatest, greenest, and shortest amongst the celebrated and illustrious ranks of the Jedi order." SHE reverently regarded then deeply curtseyed before him.

"YOU are well aware that i am only a mere man. i lack the capacity to use the force to sense anything. Therefore i must rely upon male intuition. Of course YOU have taught me that the phrase "male intuition" is an obnoxious oxymoron. One of the things i have gleaned from my interactions with YOU and my observations of YOU is that YOU are extremely pragmatic and extraordinarily precise."

"Well, well, well! so you have been observing ME, have you? Does this mean I am nothing more than a specimen for you to scientifically catalogue and experimentally analyze?" While SHE posed these queries, SHE frowned disapprovingly at him.

"YOU are GODDESS MISTRESS MARQUESA DE SADE. That is all i know. That fact is all i need to know."

The expression on MARQUESA DE SADE'S coolly calculating countenance offered no sign of anything. "To MY recollection, you are not Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Nor is your name either Sherlock or Mycroft Holmes. Have you conveyed your silly, little, insignificant suspicion to anyone other than MYSELF?"

"No, MISTRESS. Until now, i have kept my thoughts to myself."

"As well you should. Yes, you have done well in not repeating what goes on in your tiny, little, useless, and wretched mere male mind to anyone save 'MOI.'"

At this point, GODDESS MARQUESA'S telephone rang. SHE turned away from him and answered the call.

The desperation transmitted by the female voice on the other end of the line could be palpably perceived in each syllable she spake. "This is the Queen of the May, please! please help Me."

"Ah, and good day to you High Arch-Queen of the May. Once again you have MY congratulations on winning the contest."

"I wish I had lost."

"Now why would YOU have wanted to lose that publicly attended and cybercast trial by combat against ME?" SHE queried incredulously.

"That submissive YOU didn't hypnotize, I can't get rid of him."

"Why do you desire to be rid of him?" GODDESS DE SADE inquired.

"That man is more needy and demanding than all the other submissives I've ever had all rolled up into one. I am going out of my mind. I don't know what to do!"

MISTRESS MARQUESA DE SADE placed HER chin in HER oh so sexy and feminine hands. Then SHE deftly descended into deep, deep cogitation. "I doubt there is anything I can do," SHE said dejectedly. "After all, you are a much more powerful hypnotic personage than I am. Your website has made that fact abundantly clear. As I recall, it does so in a multitude of languages."

MISTRESS DE SADE heard what sounded like someone falling to their knees and groveling on a floor possessing some sort of a hard surface. "Please, please! help me!!! I beg YOU. If YOU save me, I'll do anything YOU say." To the lovely ears of GODDESS MARQUESA came the sounds of HER rival's plaintive sobs.

"Bring this troublesome man to ME," MARQUESA DE SADE commanded. The final details were ironed out and the call was concluded.